Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Seconds Please

This is an abstract piece that I hope will generate many
ideas or questions as to what it is I'm speaking of. I enjoyed
writing this, for saying one thing several different ways is
as exciting to write as I imagine it is to read...Enjoy!

Seconds please, yes a little more;
Not just on one spot either, even it out
All the way around...I'm not shy about
It at all.

I know what I like and I have always known what
I've wanted; too bad for some, they misunderstood
that when I had others I was doing so out
of my own ignorance...silly isn't it? For someone to
feel that they know what's best for you, when they
themselves have not what makes them
Want more...Seconds please, yes a little more...because
when I figured out what I wanted, that made me want
other things. Contradiction maybe? Not quite, because
how else could I grow to appreciate how special, delectable,
unique, and amazingly wonderful what I know I wanted
really was if I'm not immersing myself within the confines of
what I know I couldn't possibly desire?

Still not following? Maybe that's a good thing. It's my
Mad-Hatter Matter-of-Fact Formula to ultimate bliss
and eternal peace, so now, as I sleep without a care, there's
only the calming realization that I now have what I wanted...
Seconds please, yes a little more...

I would take time to explain but my wise father told me
"That would be a waste of time,
Say what you mean and mean what you say,"
so I'm saying now, that there isn't enough time to spend with what I
have always wanted and as soon as I have what I have wanted,
I'm definitely ready for seconds;
Not because I'm greedy.
It's only sweet motivation to finish what I
have started, slowly, deliberately, purposefully,
enjoying each moment,
So that I may begin again...a sweet redundancy.
Fresh...warm...fulfilling...PERFECT FOR ME...

So, seconds please...yes a little more;
Not all in one place, spread it all around...I'm not shy about it at all...

Monday, February 8, 2010

I Haven't Written In A While

I haven't written anything in a while so I decided to write
about not writing. This took me about 10 minutes to get
out and again I will not edit it until maybe sometime later
if needed...thanks for reading all of the previous blogs and
please continue reading!!!

It's interesting that I haven't written anything since January.
I wonder if its because I've let my life become too busy or
if it's just a matter of feeling as though I don't have anything
to contribute to the world. Seems like a pretty long time not
to have anything to say. With all of the inspiring things around
me, from students to family and friends, strangers in the day,
nothing has stimulated my mind to generate a single thought.

I decided when I began this journey of a blog not to force myself
to write. So, as readers read my work, I guess its safe to say that
everything I write just flows out. I very seldom edit my work
once it is written, which I'm sure is a horrible habit to have as a
writer. What does happen is that I will receive comments and
questions about what I meant and then, I will go back and adjust
my words or phrases.

I dare not say that I'm some sort of Jay-Z type where it just comes
out flawlessly in one take. I generally have an idea or three in my
head as a work in progress and then one day it's like BAM! Guess
that's how God works!

Oh...Congrats to the Saints! New Orleans deserves this!
A Lifetime Colts Fan