Monday, January 17, 2011

The Takeover

It's growing inside,
I can feel it, others can't see it;
like a viral infection possessing My body,
invading my thoughts through lectures
in solitudes created in crowded rooms;
You see me but I'm not there,
I feel heat but I'm not scared,
They foresee defeat, YET...
I'm still here.

It's growing inside,
I can feel it, others may see it;
the delicious bait, draped in satin,
covering my eyes, denying My vision;
My path is taken away, no glimmer of
hope, no signs of another plotted course; in a distance...there is
a whisper...I'm still here.

It's growing inside,
I can feel it, others can see it;
remembering who I was increases in
difficulty with each passing moment,
pictures and memories become vague,
incomprehensible flashes in my dreams;
It's own passion feeds on My ambitions,
My hopes, My dreams...

Soon, the takeover will be complete...
Soon this will be over--by giving in--
because that's the only way I can say,
I'm still here.

Better Left Unsaid...

The pregnant pause to "I Love You"--
The feeling of having an audience
for a lie uncovered;
A wind chill of -18 degrees and you're
without a coat or scarf...
A hurtful truth that destroys realities,
creates chaos, evokes fear or crushes
one's soul--a lack of tact.

Details of hard lessons that give years of
experience yet captures decades of life;
The clarification of an assumption that
is clearly built through an emotional response;
The answer to a question that was just
answered--telling someone he or she
was not paying attention.

Some things are better left unsaid...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

From My Point of View

This is an abstract piece, expressing a certain state
of being; a humble attempt to express a particular
point of view. Interpret this as you will...

Arms resting in the clouds,
Seated above the winds;
No roar from the crowds,
Can't remember when it ended;
Suspended in my perception,
Reality has been infected;
The culprit is distortion,
Misuse of every portion.

Misfortune, contortion,
Manipulation cautions
the genuine intention,
Events are held in contempt,
Still living through the spirit of
Eternal limitless.

Please allow me to accept this--
allow me to accept that I'm unlimited.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Embracing the Darkness

Turn off all the lights, close the doors--
even the closets and restrooms;
This time, no radio, no music,
not even the humming of tune--
Allowing the volume of silence
to enter my ears, fill my thoughts
and then, I surrender to...nothing, so
that everything is clear.

Standing eventually tires;
Sitting becomes the key ingredient
for I choose to lay;
I lie down--not in a slumber comfort
yet a calming resistance free position
that welcomes clarity, answers, and
suggestions--waiting to be lead--
I surrender to...everything, so that
nothing is unclear.

Riding Home

Another long ride home. Flipping through the radio
stations makes it clear that a subscription to
SIRIUS or something is a must.

And...just my luck the Ipod is dying.
"Shuffle Songs" on the phone is a lifesaver!

What is "Enter Galactic"? I'm not sure what this
guy was doing. I really need to get this album off
of my phone. It was cool at first but...NEXT!

YES! Haven't heard this one in a while...
"I put on for my city...on on for my city...I put
oooooooooooooon (taps throat to make the
auto-tune sound) I don't need no T-Pain." *Laughs*
That Jay-Z and his jabs. *shakes his head*

"Does that make me CRAAAAAAZZYYYY?
Does that make me CRAAAAAAZYYY? Does
that make me CRAAAAAAZYYYY? Probablyyyyyy..."

"Lights will guiiiiiiiide you home, and igniiiiiiite
your bones...and I will tryyyyyy, to fix yoooooou..."
Nothing wrong with a little ColdPlay to calm you.

I wonder if anyone has ever tried to "fix" me? Am I
seen as broken? Ok, I'm too tired for deep thoughts...
next song...

"Streets Disciple, my flows are trifle, I shoot slugs from
my brain just like a rifle..." Wow! And this is why Nas
is my favorite rapper!

Maybe I will download Pandora and really have a
random music experience.

"Hello. Hey babe! Aww, I miss you too! I guess I'll get
home before 6...we shall see. How was your day? Really?
*Laughs* How do they expect you to work with a gassy
cube buddy? *Laughs* Yeah, a movie would be nice tonight.
Just find something on Netflix, a comedy...maybe a stand-up
if possible. If all else fails, we can catch up on 30 Rock. Yeah,
I is funny. Oh ok then...Aight."

Wow...must have talked for a while, didn't realize I was so
close so close to home. Uh oh...YES! My phone loves me!
"I looooove Mary! Blind Mary Mary babe!"

Gnarls Barkley, TAKE ME HOME!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I Want to Change...

I want to change...
Turn worlds upside down,
Shake them up,
Throw things around
Sounds become actions,
Words are now dreams,
Reality forced into what seems unreal,
Undo the undone;
Make hearts that are one,
Be more about opening doors than closure,
The ends are beginnings
When losing becomes winning,
The old sayings become facts
Forcing winds to sing,
Making the cool hot and the heat a style of dance,
Coughs are welcomed and sneezes are wishful thinking;
No sleeping without rest--
All tests would measure the things that really matter,
Shattering steel beams that hold back dreams;
I want to change...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Abduction

Take me away, ransom is needed...
They would be glad to see that I'm gone;
I'm sure it would be a dream come true for some.

Take me away, note is needed...
As hard as I have been working;
Who couldn't figure out I was ready to go.

Take me away, equipment is needed...
I'm not going to fight the abduction;
A tap on the shoulder and simple nod will do.

Take me away, bag is needed...
Well maybe one for my video games;
This is my big chance for a fresh start...a new beginning.