Sunday, August 25, 2013

Outside Looking In - Log Entry #58

Her: What are you doing?
Why are you making that face?
Him: This is my sexy face.
Her: Get a new one...

Her: How do you like the food?
Him: I appreciate the effort. You
did a great job. I do prefer grilled
over baked though.
Her: We'll see when I cook again.
Him: What did I say?

Him: I'm thinking of taking a trip
to have time to myself.
Her: Who you going with?
Him: No one.
Her: So, you expect me to believe that?
Maybe you need to take some time
to figure out if you want to be here!
Him: *speechless*

Her: I don't want you to wait for me.
Him: If I can't wait for the
Love of Life then what else is there?
Her: What if you're wrong?
Him: Love is never wrong...

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Nothing New Under the Sun

Haven't spent time in this creative space
in a while...

If there's nothing new under the sun,
then inventions only recreate songs unsung,
then writers only pen ideas others forgot,
and buzzer beaters never really take the last shot.

If there's nothing new under the sun,
then why wonder when time reveals that you've only just begun,
then dreamers only recycle nightmares and fantasies,
and cross-genetic experiments aren't making anything.

If there's nothing new under the sun,
then mistakes should be less important than how it is done,
then letting go of love is a way of winning the fight,
and how you choose to live can be guided by hindsight.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

A Scripted Love...

Some actors struggle to play their part...

Is it bad that...
I wanna fight for you when you leave,
I watch closely, hoping you turn around
I hold my breath and stand still;
I can't imagine this to be true,
I can't imagine living without you...
Like a scripted love...

Is it bad to question...
The reason you came my direction,
The seasons we shared in sessions,
The way you exhaled my name,
The times I did the same,
The feeling to be in your presence,
The instant mental connection,
The acceptance of life with you...
Like a scripted love...

Is it bad to hold on...
To what some would say is so wrong,
To what others would say to hold on,
To the only thing that makes you feel whole,
To the person who makes you feel when others can't;
To moments because time won't allow timeless experiences,
To boundless realities to cherish with you...
Like a scripted love...

Is it bad not to...
Live as if you aren't here,
Live and disregard what your eyes speak so clearly;
Live like I'm someone I'm not,
Live the way others may say,
Live in spite of what makes sense to most,
Live for the truth of what I hold so dear;
Live with you, yet live without you...
Like a scripted love...