Having nothing after something is a curse,
profane experience so I have a hard time
wishing for you...thinking of you...
Dreaming for you to arrive like the sunset,
Make early mornings a distant future to the
Nights we would never forget.
Having nothing after something is a curse,
profane experience so I look to the time,
Clocking the ticks, seconds of eternity clicks;
Dreaming of you as your arrival rivals the horizon,
Shining so bright my heart needs a visor...
Having nothing after something is a curse,
profane experience so I wait for the time,
When wishes becomes shushes and now
My smile's a little crooked because you take me there--
Where mornings and nights confuse shades and heights,
Lights shining through darkness making waves in the ways
We have come to know reality...and all I can do is pause...
Having nothing after something is a curse,
profane experience...sealed with a kiss...