Monday, July 12, 2010

Dear (Insert Name Here), #1

Dear (Insert Name Here),

I haven't been very honest with you over the years, but this
is no surprise to you I'm sure. You have always had a way of
knowing something even when I never said a thing. I guess
that intuition thing was more accurate than you or I wanted to
believe. But as I was saying, I have kept many things
from you and I decided that the only way to tell you would be
for me to write this letter, memorize it, then approach you
with my manly stance and a voice of conviction. The things
I'm going to tell you aren't easy for me to say and may not
be easy for you to hear. One thing will be clear, after
hearing this, you will either want to be with me for the rest
of your life or you will never want to smell any scent that
reminds you of me.

Ever since the first time I saw you, I knew we would have a
future. I was sure that any girl that could take my breath
away with her smile and could make me feel at peace with
her voice was definitely my heart's desire. Whether you
acknowledge it or not, even though we have not been together,
the time that elapses during spells of no communication never
seem to diminish our connection. Whenever I have good
news or bad, you are always there, even more than I am
for you. But that's what I want to change. I want to be there
for you, loving you beyond a shadow of a doubt so that when
you feel low, high or somewhere in between, you know that I'm
right here, for you.

Many times I look back on the days we had and wonder why didn't
I realize what I truly needed because right now, I know that over
the past few years I have really needed you. I have made it but
it would've been a lot sweeter to make it with you. Most of the
things you did with and for me are what I feel I've needed in my
life the most. Your support and encouragement has always seen
me through even when I couldn't see the way. I appreciate that
quality in you. I appreciate the woman that you were and the woman
that I have had the privilege of seeing grow over the years.

I proudly admit that the way you loved more has never been
replaced by any other woman that has come into my life after you.
Even the ones who you didn't like or approve of when you were
"just trying to be a good friend to me". Your loving was complete.
It filled me up, it sustained me, it created moments that I still
dream about til this day! No other woman has done that because
no other woman has had the combination of a personality and
beauty that you continue to maintain at the highest level.

Now, I won't say that any man would be blessed to have you in his
life because that is a lie. It's a lie because any man just won't do for
you! You're too special to have any man. But if I'm deemed as any man,
and you decided to give me the opportunity to be with you, I would
spend my life trying not to be any man. I would dedicate my all to you,
to my elusive greatest joy.

I guess you may be wondering where all of this is coming from. You're
probably wondering why am I telling you this now since we are "just
friends" and that we have agreed that a relationship is just not possible
between us. The most honest answer that I can give is that all of this,
is coming from my heart. All of this is coming from the man within this
shell of a body. All of this is coming from a place inside of a man that
scares me. It scares me because of the intense passion and love that
flows from this place could overtake me and leave me defenseless.
All of this comes from me, a man who realizes that he has always been
in love with you and wants to share and
enjoy love with you for the rest of our lives.

Please understand, I'm not telling you this just because he proposed.
I'm telling you this because I feel like you made a decision based on
some of the facts, not all. I'm not trying to create any drama and I
know this is a selfish thing to do, but if I never said this to you, I
couldn't have forgiven myself. If you still choose him, then you do.
But at least you know that what I'm saying is true. Just look into my
eyes, you know it's can see it, just as you always could.

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