Sometimes when I see celebrities or public
figures on TV or online, I wonder what
really goes through their minds. Life in
the spotlight for someone who only wanted
to do what they loved must be a challenge.
The popular author, Sean Carter wrote,
"People say I've changed, but why would
I work this hard to stay the same?"
I never asked to be this sort of infamous,
iconic entity that you usually hear about
in a legend or folktale. I never asked to
have my name abused for pickup lines
or a stimulus for empathy. I never asked
for pedestals to be placed all around me
so that the only way I could move was to
take that step up. I never asked for any
favors, for rules to be bent or broken. I
never asked for any sacrifice to be made
in my name, honor or on my behalf.
Well you might say that although I didn't
ask for these things, I didn't refuse them either.
Contrary to popular belief I have refused more
than anyone could ever imagine. You might say
that it was my choice to have my life take the
turns it has, from the choices I made. You might
say that a person as knowledgeable as myself
clearly knew the consequences of my choices.
You might say that anyone would trade places
with me on any day, because the positives of
my life have to outweigh the challenges and
possible negatives that may come because of
who I am. You might say that I have no right
to feel any emotion other than appreciation. You
might say that...but I would politely disagree.
Until you have walked in my shoes; until you have
been placed in situations where no decision is a good
one for anyone else other than yourself; until you
have the opportunity to seek out your dreams but
have the possibility of losing everything you hold
dear; unless you are can't say a thing...but
then me stating this, I have become a
hypocrite of my own beliefs. For I have never worn
anyone else's shoes...and why should I, mine aren't
always a comfortable fit; but at least I know they are
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