I see...
In my tongue...
As I stare at them, I begin to wonder...
Where did these come from? How long have I had these?
Is this normal?
Then...reality settled in...my shoulders dropped...and
I sighed...
Could this be the result of holding my tongue so
much that I bite it...
In my sleep?
I may be very random yet my mind
sees all in a linear model...
All connected, even things that create their own path...
So...I connected the dots,
developed a Hypothesis, collected data and compared
it to a control group; Varied variables and conserved
constants who consistently revealed iirrefutable evidence
that as I "handle situations very well" and "seem to always
be calm" or "am rarely upset over anything" and despite
my best efforts to relieve stress...
I internalize emotions in abundance
Causing involuntary muscles to contract
From the pressure of tension, possibly
Piercing layers of tissue that I need for tasting...
No wonder when I get upset
I lose my appetite...
I do not wish to be seen as a "Know-it-All" or
Anyone of the sort...
I know enough to know I don't know nearly as much
As I would like, yet quite often I know more than
Enough to share with others, thus providing
Catalysts for epiphanies to ignite a flame of change;
A restructuring of realities if you will...yet...I choose
To keep things to myself...
Although I may do so, I'm not a fan of
repeating myself. I'm not a fan of pity parties even
if I have had my share in the past.
I choose to live my days in the most positive ways
I can imagine...so...I take a little extra time to choose
My words more carefully...
Sometimes my words are clear to me and not others.
Other times my words are unclear and can not choose any...
For the time being...
Lastly, for now, some aren't ready to
accept These verbal expressions as genuine
aids to Improving life, understanding or a particular
situation. I consider this because the rejection of
some truths Can be quite disturbing and disruptive
to a Relationship--for lack of a better word...so...
Instead of creating these possible outcomes...
I bite my tongue...figuratively...
And now I see, I bite it literally...
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