Wednesday, August 24, 2011

It's Your Choice

Each day I wake up, I have a routine that I like to follow. This routine prepares me for the day and helps me to get into a positive state of mind. I read a devotional that is sent to me via email and it always has a Bible verse at the end. Then, I read the entire chapter in the Bible where the verse came from. One thing my parents taught me was to read what happens before and after a verse you come in contact. Verses can be interpreted in different ways so it’s important to see the context it was originally written. This isn’t to say that any interpretation is right or wrong. For me, it gives me clarity and a better understanding of how to apply it to my life. Lastly, I like to read some positive quotes that I get via email as well.

Once I’ve meditated on these words from others, I create my own words of wisdom, inspiration or motivation to share with the world. I share my words in hopes to help others have better days. I experience tough times just like anyone else, more than what I’d like admit. It’s always good to have a cheering section to encourage you and push you forward. For those who don’t, I hope that my words can find their way into those who need it. These are just some of the things I do to spread love in a world where negativity is promoted more than anything else. What do you do to stay positive or to be a positive light for those around you?

Being positive isn’t always easy, but making the choice should be.

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