Dear You,
Looking in the mirror and loving what you see begins by loving what’s on the inside FIRST. As cliché as this may be, it is one of the truest statements when it comes to love. Whether you are looking for love, hoping love finds you or confused about how or when to love, it all begins inside.
Think about it…if you don’t take time to get to know who you are as a person, how can you see who you really are? When you look in the mirror, you see what’s on the inside and outside all at once. So, if there are things you dislike, don't understand or are concerned about, feelings of uncertainty can cloud your vision and you see an obscure reflection that is not truly representative of you.
Why do you think it’s hard for some people to take a compliment? Maybe this person is so busy looking at the flaws on the inside; it overwhelms the natural beauty on the outside. And yes, “you are your worst critic” but that doesn’t mean it has to consume you. Sooner or later, I want you to be comfortable with yourself. Sooner, rather than later, begin to love your quirky uniqueness and embrace who you are today as the foundation of the person you will be tomorrow.
The Bible gives us the Golden Rule, to treat others the way you want to be treated. So, love yourself unconditionally from the inside out, FIRST. It makes it easier to love others and for others to love and appreciate you.
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