Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Just Want to Be

Sometimes...inspiration comes without any experience 
of your own.  Other times...well...you just know...

As a man, it's that feeling...when you just want to be 
In her presence;
Seconds turning into minutes seem like weeks,
Days are an eternity of yearning for her
Sweet scent -- her cool breeze.

As a man, it's that feeling...when you just want to be
In her presence;
Kisses placed on her hands and cheek,
Appreciating all of her,
Sex isn't the prize...you're lost in her eyes.

As a man, it's that feeling...when you just want to be
In her presence;
Moments lost admiring her grace,
Dreaming of ways to say Love to her heart,
For yours pound heavily, wanting to feel hers.

As a man, it's that feeling...when you just want to be
In her presence...you know it's real then... 

Monday, May 13, 2013

State of Affairs

This is a reflection of a time in my life when
things were not so good, yet, I found pleasure
in the oddest places. I call this State of Affairs 
because it addresses my physical, emotional &
mental state as they all interacted with the people
& environment around me at the time.

I awoke in the eye of a...
Storm winds spinning things around me,
Yet, I'm floating, 
Wondering what it would be like to reach out,
And touch what I imagine are destructive currents.

I awoke in the eye of a...
Storm winds revolving around me,
Yet, I'm drawn closer,
Imagining what it would be like to bounce off the walls,
And be swept away in the waves.

I awoke in the eye of a...
Storm winds increasing speeds around me,
Yet, I'm at peace,
Enjoying what it feels like to be in the midst of chaos,
And be lost in the breeze of an alternate reality.

I awoke in the eye of a...
Storm winds subsiding all around me,
Yet, I'm gliding,
Accepting what it may feel like to touch down,
And stand at the crossroads of my destiny.