Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Check the Hours

This poem describes a point in time when
reality meets passion, and the disorientation
that comes with it. The speaker already
entered a crossroad; which spawns a clash
between thought and feelings...

Months seem to flash by
Mirrors that I pass
So many funny faces
Check the hour glass;
This can't be me,
Check the hour glass;
This can't be me,
Check the hours.

Summer cookouts traded for train ride snacks
Pier gazes morphed into sky scraper heights
Daydreams framed in an outline of clouds
Birds of different feathers chirping on the balcony
An empty feeling begins to fill soft places
The alchemy of life, opposed to stagnation.

Months seem to flash by
Mirrors that I pass
So many funny faces
Check the hour glass;
This can't be me,
Check the hour glass;
This can't be me,
Check the hours.

I'm on a mountain trail
Searching for a stream
Not thinking of a swim or bath
Just in need of a drink
I know I'm close to something
Just don't know what it is
Or how long it will take to obtain
This elusive dream.

Months seem to flash by
Mirrors that I pass
So many funny faces
Check the hour glass;
This can't be me,
Check the hour glass;
This can't be me,
Check the hours.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Some Spoken Word #27

Gray skies on the horizon,
Disguises lost in the haze,
Days come and go like circus acts,
Tracks left on the pavement;
Cavemen stumbled upon fire,
Desires to live, mind over matter
Scattered thoughts distort reality;
Really bees aren't protective of honey,
Funny, it's more protecting home;
Comb through natural disasters,
Faster--when you responsible,
Impossible to predict the harm,
Carnage leaves leftovers--collateral;
Laterally I speak,
Seeking synonyms for specific context;
I'm set on making a future
Sutures couldn't link together,
Whether right or wrong,
Songs of passionate acts will be sung;
Songs of passionate acts will be sung.

Gray skies on the horizon,
Disguises lost in the haze,
Days come and go like circus acts,
Tracks left on the pavement;
Say, "when," if you've had enough--
Scuffed shoes, stubbed toes,
Bold enough to raise your voice;
Choices questioned,
Directions unconfirmed with low gas;
Jazz can be an acquired taste,
Dates are improved by the invested,
Ingested the idea of potential;
Influential is the pack leader's growl--
Scowl, modeling behaviors,
Endangered are the days of instruction;
Production suffers in this lack of vision,
Intuition is a lost ability, lost will;
Filling nothing while feeling your way through
Clues, are now replaced by navigation,
Aviation used to be an artistic expression;
Weapons are intellectual first--then mechanical,
Flammable is the mission we take together,
Whether right or wrong,
Songs of passionate acts will be sung;
Songs of passionate acts will be sung.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Poised Ballerina

Searching for answers to questions
previously posed,
poised ballerina,
exposing her nose;
toes twisting as she's gracefully
spinning out of control;
dramatic irony,
the whole world knows.

Treading murky waters with no
clear sense of direction,
no G.P.S. triangulation
to determine current positions,
only your third-eye straining
with near-sided vision,
relying on talent,
a little practice and intuition;
as you dance in a trance,
your lack of confidence is apparent,
sure, it's not your fault,
as if you're lying to your parents;
but it's just a way of being,
seeking what you believe in,
an elusive truth disguised in a lie
so what are really believing,
an elusive truth disguised in a lie,
so what are you believing?

Searching for answers to questions
previously posed,
poised ballerina,
exposing her nose;
toes twisting as she's gracefully
spinning out of control;
dramatic irony,
the whole world knows.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Turn Back or Keep Going

The moment you know change is needed, is the moment you begin to change. Whether you know it or not, your mind and heart begin working together to figure out how to get you from where you are, to where you need to be. One of the hardest things to do, if you’ve never done it before is to trust your heart to lead and your inner wisdom to guide.

If you have never stepped out on Faith, the first step is very challenging. What you may not know is that there is another step that is even more difficult. This step comes when you are presented with an opportunity to turn back or to keep going. Usually this happens after you have moved significantly forward. A situation arises that will cause you to question whether or not you have made the right decision; whether or not it would’ve been easier to stay where you were; whether or not you should stop and go back. The challenge then is to determine whether or not to continue with this course of action; but one thing should remain clear. Going back to the way things were contradicts your need for change.

So look for ways to continue to move forward, even if you choose to return to similar surroundings. As the late Frederick Douglas stated, “Without struggle, there is no progress.”

No Resolutions for Me This Year

I've heard a few people say,
"Wisdom comes with years,"
But what happens in the meantime,
Am I expected to willingly
Shed tears? Am I supposed to fail?
"Yes, experience is the best teacher."
But when I assess learning, the
Consequences of my classroom
Won't make any student think of
Consulting with the reaper...Grimm
As it sounds, I've seen when Life
Body slams you, off the top ropes
Hopes and Dreams crumble all
Around you.

Sure, the obvious is
True, "it could be worse," but her
"Right Now", has her eyeing your purse.
His "Right Now, don't have time
for just words." All these cliches and
Positivity has yet to get him off the curb.

So although my talents my be
Found in connotation, I'm not foolish
Enough to believe that only words
Build nations. So as this New Year
Begins, so will more opportunities
For action. No resolutions for me,
Its just time to make it happen.

A Poetic Life

The pursuit of happiness is
a pursuit of change;
Accepting responsibility
and not placing blame,
Processing experiences
as information
To ignite your transformation;
This is Growth. This is Life.

The pursuit of happiness is
a pursuit of change;
Accepting Faith's guidance
and not placing blame,
Processing Fear as immature emotions
To fuel Courage's promotion;
This is Growth. This is Life.

The pursuit of happiness is
a pursuit of change;
Accepting Love
and not placing blame,
Processing relationships as gifts
To create lessons,
making Destiny shifts;
This is Growth. This is Life.