Monday, May 21, 2012

Mush in My Heart

This was written for an open mic performance.  


Seems like another overused term like, “I love you” or “I miss you” or “You’re great” wait…

I suppose that may sound a little bitter, whittling away to keep warm from the winter cold, those shoulders weren’t very broad but that young lady truly had my heart and soul…

I was devoted…would stand in lines, twice eternity’s time for a sip of her fine; travel through battles in unknown lands, planned to stand yet the Mush in My Heart made me meek; sort of like when she’d speak to me and call me that name that made me change direction…even my inflection projected my willingness to display the effort I attempted to model, yet I was the one who followed…willingly…honestly, I’m not pondering on whether or not my decisions were wrong, I’m too busy trying to learn this song of longing because my mate made me…want to give my soul to hers, the words were being practice but were never perfected and I doubt that anytime soon they will be heard…


Seems like another overused term like, “boo” or “babe” or “honey” wait…

I suppose that may sound a little bitter, whittling away to keep warm from the winter cold, those shoulders weren’t very broad but that young lady truly had my heart and soul…

I was devoted…tried to move forward though my past dragged skeletons, telling them “keep quiet” yet soul mates know everything right?  They accept everything, make you feel you can do anything; travel through battles in unknown lands, soul mates plan to stand yet the Mush in My Heart made it hard to speak; like when I felt I was no longer seen, my pain, my love, my inner being caught in the scoop of a red dot beam SCREAMS didn’t seem to matter…though shattered glass may be interpreted as irrational actions; actors play roles, auditioned or chosen and those are the ones we love…yet the ones who give their heart and soul are told, “it’s just not believable,” a statement inconceivable coming from the one, who held my soul…sometimes I wonder when I lost control…


Seems like another overused term…I stand here guilty of the phrase, “You live and you learn.” 

Was I devoted?  Not sure the lessons or standards I needed to master…wanted to travel through battles in unknown lands and stand together yet my soul mate created this Mush in My Heart that made me want to sing, think of things I could do just so she could hold tight to my wing, things don’t always work out as we plan but damn…I was her NUMBER ONE FAN, she knew me when I didn’t know myself, nonverbal conversations, jokes, a real connection may have all been in my head instead of the reality that she may have been gone before I ever arrived…my soul mate seemed to drift away in the dark; my soul mate may hate that we even had a start; my soul mate may not be mine…and I’m not sure if I can get back what I gave away…

Soul mate…

Seems like another overused term…yet this Mush in My Heart is attached to a Soul-Mate’s burn.

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