Monday, November 29, 2010

I Began to Fall

This is my interpretation of how to find the bright side
of what appears to be a bleak situation. It's an act that
I continue to work towards, for we all have dark times
where we begin to fall...yet with the right focus...we
can begin to see the light.

Tomorrow is Monday...ALREADY?! I can feel my smile
retreating into its foxhole. My smile's reign of glee was as
triumphant as a raging bull tossing a novice rider. The
majestic power proclaiming its dominance seemed to have
an infinite source...until Sunday evening arrived. Much
like reality as it shatters dreams, the fantasies of youth
crushed by iron rods or steel beams, fate stepped foot
upon the shores of my laugh lines and

Tomorrow is Monday...ALREADY?! My motivating
aspirations struggled tirelessly upon the cliffs of happiness
but as the sun began to fall, the wind began to swirl and
moisture fell upon the soil like quarters and nickels
cracking floors. It was obvious...the more effort I
released, the faster time was corrupted, mutating actions into
exercises in futility. The well-rested feeling I claimed
has now been captured by the sub-plot of my
prime time series...that was doing quite well in the ratings
might I add...but

Tomorrow is Monday...BUT before I go to sleep, I hear
a song I have known all my life, yet the name has always
eluded me. It has the beat of my heart, the words have
always been the sings an invitation to my mind
to retreat into the bliss of my internal glow, the one part of
me that knows the destiny that awaits me. AND...after
Monday...I will be one moment closer to that peace I once
had. So, with this

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